Day 5 - Wednesday 12/19/18 Started by pattytsv Wednesday, 19 December 2018 53 Replies
Day 4 - Tuesday, 12/18/18 Started by pattytsv Tuesday, 18 December 2018 5 Replies
Day 3 - Monday, 12/17/18 Started by pattytsv Monday, 17 December 2018 0 Replies
Day 2 Started by pattytsv Sunday, 16 December 2018 4 Replies
Day 1 Started by pattytsv Friday, 14 December 2018 15 Replies
View all discussions Displaying 5 of 5 discussions

Oh! I'm excited! Thank you!

Congratulations to all the winners!

I’m so excited about the patterns that I won!

Thank you, everyone, who participated this year and who joined the community. I hope that you will visit often to share your stitching and join in...

The winner of the most user points is Gabbard

The Grand Prize winner is catdenier

Happy Holidays! May your threads never tangle nor your needles ever blunt!

Happy Holidays! May your threads never tangle nor your needles ever blunt!

Happy Stitching and Happy Holidays to all!

nmkat and 113 others have joined the group 2018 Holiday 6 years ago