Shop Information

Please fill out all fields for your shop.  * indicates required fields.
Online only shops, please supply a mailing address and phone which is for our records only.

The information published on the site will be the name of the shop, physical address, phone number, web address (this will be the only thing pubilshed for online only shops) and forms of needlework in your shop.  The rest of the information is for our records only and will not be shared.

Is Your Store (please check one)
Please choose the forms of needlwork that apply to your shop

Collective Stitch Cross Stitch Event

The Stitchers' Village is the primary sponsor of the Collective Stitch cross stitch event.  For information on the event which takes place June 1 - August 31, please visit

Would you like to sign up as a participant in the next Collective Stitch event?

Advertising on The Stitchers' Village

The Stitchers' Village is the primary sponsor of the Collective Stitch cross stitch event.  For information on the event which takes place June 1 - August 31, please visit

If you request information on advertising on The Stitchers' Village, I will email that to you.  Thank you!

Would you like information about advertising on The Stitchers' Village?