What is The Stitchers Village?
What is The Stitchers Village?
The Stitchers' Village (TSV) is a supportive global NeedleArts community which brings together retailers, designers and the general stitching public in a safe, secure place and provide a venue for the stitching community to gather, learn and discover. -
Is there a charge to join The Stitchers' Village?
Is there a charge to join The Stitchers' Village?
No, it is free to browse The Stitchers' Village. Just as you would look around a real village, you may roam around TSV and enjoy the various free aspects such as the Library, The Designer Studios and Shop Information. You can also receive a free subscription to The Stitchers' Voice, our newsletter, by subscribing to our email list. We typically send two emails per month - one to announce the posting of the newsletter and a mid-month update. You will not need to sign in to any area of TSV, other than the social area which is password protected. You must be a member of TSV to win any of the competitions within the Village or in the Village Newsletter. -
How do I become a member of The Stitchers' Village?
How do I become a member of The Stitchers' Village?
To receive newsletters and announcements (typically, twice a month) fill out and submit the membership form. To participate in the password protected "Village", which is our social community, you will need to register on the home page at https://stitchersvillage.net/village -
Tea Shoppe - TSV Community Social Area
Tea Shoppe - TSV Community Social Area
The Tea Shoppe is the link to the TSV Social Area. This is available to all members of TSV but admission is only granted to members who go through a password protected sign-up procedure and agree to the Terms of Use Agreement. Each member has a profile and this includes a place to post photos of your projects in albums and have members post questions or comments about them. There is a forum where all members can read and post under a variety of topics and get information on games and classes. Members can have "Pages" for their specialty stitching, home craft business, etc. There is a chat/messaging system for visiting in live text chats and this is where some of the games are held as well as designer hosted chats. Please remember, if you post and receive no reply, remember that those members listed may be in another area posting to a discussion or group. It does not mean they are ignoring you. We ask that you help to maintain a friendly environment. -
How do I lbecome a sponsor shop on TSV?
How do I lbecome a sponsor shop on TSV?
Simply submit the contact form and indicate that you would like information on being a TSV shop. -
How do I teach a class on TSV?
How do I teach a class on TSV?
Simply submit the contact form and indicate that you would like to submit a class to be offered on TSV. -
Privacy Issues
Privacy Issues
When visitors apply to become a member of TSV, we ask you to fill out a form. This form contains your name, address and contact information. We will not disclose any of this information to any other party. We strongly advise that you DO NOT post any personal information on any forum. -
Copyright Issues
Copyright Issues
All images of TSV are copyrighted and may not be copied or shared. Copyright infringement is a serious issue and all members of TSV are required to respect the copyright of TSV Administration and of those stores and designers who post images and teach classes at TSV. Members who infringe on the copyright of TSV, or Stores and Designers associated with TSV will be banned from taking part in the forum and all other activities hosted at TSV. To educate yourself about the Copyright Issue, we recommend you visit the Dragon Dreams website and read the information Jennifer has posted.
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