
Below are links to pdf documents with conversion charts for threads/beads as listed.  These may not show the most current releases from all companies.  Every attempt is made to update this information.  If you would like to submit an addition, please fill out the contact form from the menu.  Thank you.

Anchor to DMC
Anchor to Kreinik Silk Mori
AuVer Soie to Splendor
Bucilla to DMC
Circulo to Anchor
Circulo to DMC
Crescent Colours to Dinky Dyes
Danish Flower 2 Ginnie Thompson Flower
Delica to Round Bead
Dimensions to DMC
Dimensions to DMC and Anchor
Dinky Dyes Solid silks to DMC
DMC Flower thread to Embroidery Floss
DMC Flower Thread to Ginnie Thompson Flower Thread
DMC No5 Perle to Kreinik Silk Serica
DMC to Anchor
DMC to Anchor, Appleton Crewel Paternayan, Eterna Silks, Delica Beads
DMC to Appleton Crewel
DMC to Delica Beads
DMC to Eterna Silks
DMC to Ginnie Thompson Flower Thread
DMC to Kreinik Silk Mori
DMC to Mandarin Floss
DMC to Paternayan
DMC to Prismacolor Pencils
DMC to Splendor
DMC to Sulky
DMC to Sullivans
DMC to Venus
Gentle Arts Sampler Threads to Anchor
Gentle Arts Threads to DMC
Gentle Arts Sampler Threads to WDW
Gloriana to Dinky Dyes
J&P Coates to DMC
Janlynn to DMC
Mill Hill Economy Packs to DMC
Mill Hill Frosted 2 small bugle 2 med bugle to DMC
Mill Hill large bugle crayon color seed pebble beads to DMC
Mill Hill seed beads 2 Antique 2 petite glass to DMC
Mill Hill to MIYUKI
Needle Necessities to Threadworx
Round Bead to Delica
Sulky Petites to DMC
Thread Gatherer to Dinky Dyes
Venus to DMC
Weeks Dye Works to Dinky Dyes
Weeks Dye Works to DMC

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